Last Ridge of Hills - Song Page
© words and music by Annie Wilson
from album Out on the Tallgrass Prairie

Album Note:

In high places in the Flint Hills, we can often see layers of hills in ridges off into the distance.  

The farthest, last ridge is usually a beautiful, nearly surreal blue.  It sometimes reminds me of a wave in a huge ocean. 

When I notice this, I remember:  this was an ocean - the vast inland sea of ancient times.  

And in a way, today it is still an ocean - a huge expanse of grass, with ridges like waves that recede into a magical distant horizon. 


Above photo courtesy of Betty Horn.

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As the layered horizons reach up to the sky,

In a tapestry woven by land,

At the top is that high slender seam of the earth,

The crest of that last ridge of hills. 


A thin distant ribbon of storm-colored blue

At the edge of the Earth’s gentle curve,

A dream-like horizon inviting us in

To rest on that last ridge of hills.


Like a last phantom wave from the vast inland sea,

In an infinite ocean of grass,

Now forever it breaks and recedes in the sky

To rest on that last ridge of hills. 


Like an ancient pueblo the skyline lies low

In the layers of long flat plateaus.

Just one or two hilltops point up to the sky

To watch over that last ridge of hills.