Missed Too Many Moons - Song Page
© words & music by Annie Wilson
from the album Out on the Tallgrass Prairie

Album Note:

Reminder to take time: step away from busy life and be thankful – for the beauty of the moon, the prairie land, and loved ones.


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The moonlight fills the valley and the distant ridgetops glow.

You take my hand to step outside, but I say I can’t go.

The full moon may be shining, but I have other things to do.

I don’t have time to sit out there beneath that moon with you.


The moonlight just might focus my busy eyes on you,

And remind me to be thankful for all you’ve helped me through.

It paints the land in silver and illuminates your skin,

Reminding us this precious night will never come again.


If we wait to look next month for that beauty in the sky,                 

Soon that month becomes a year and life has passed us by.            

All those moonlit nights we’ve lost shut up inside our rooms.          

We’ve wasted too much time, my love, we’ve missed too many moons.


Gleaming in the night sky outshining all the stars,

The moon’s a huge reminder of how small our troubles are.

It’s been a faithful partner to us humans for all time.

It’s in our ancient stories that explain the Grand Design. 


I guess each moon’s a gift we have to see to realize.

We have to step out in the dark to thrill our tired eyes.

So let’s walk out and say hello to our neighbor in the sky,

And thank him for the gift of moonlight shining from on high.