Prairie Prayer - Song Page
© words & music by Annie Wilson
from the album Out on the Tallgrass Prairie

Album Note:  

This song is a prayer and plea to preserve our prairie - for all the creatures and plants who depend on it for their lives, realizing their well-being is also our well-being. 

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As the evening goes to sleep, my heart is filled with prayer.

I pray the Prairie we will keep, and for her we will care:

The milkweed and the dragonfly, the turtle and the hawk, 

The tadpoles and the minnows darting through the watered draw.


From the smallest little butterfly to the tallest grass that grows,

If they are well, then we are well.  As they go, we will go.


As the grazers eat her grass, leave enough to carry on

To feed her roots below the ground and keep our prairie strong.

Help us bring her fire to defend her from the trees.

Shield her from development that steals her piece by piece.




Protect her soil from wind and rain.  Let her streams flow free. 

Defend her from the plant invaders.  Let her live in peace. 

Help us heal our climate.  Keep the balance God has shown.

Protect her precious grassland birds who need their prairie home.




As the evening goes to sleep, my heart is filled with prayer.

I pray the Prairie we will keep, and for her we will care.

I gaze across the gentle hills with creatures in their dens.

I thank the Prairie for this life and softly say Amen.