© words & music by Annie Wilson
from CD Clean Curve of Hill Against Sky

Album note:  One of my children, awakening to the wonders of biology, once enthusiastically told me, "People just don't get excited enough about photosynthesis!"  I have to agree.  This lazy little song contrasts the apparent lethargy of a hot summer afternoon to the breakneck pace of growth invisibly occurring within all the plants.

This is one of my favorite songs that we do.

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It's about three o'clock on a hot summer day 
Even the flies are asleep in the shade 
The cottonwood leaves are dancing real slow 
While their seeds drift on down to the meadow below 

The primrose is sunning her petals of white 
To fold 'em up later when day turns to night 
The tadpoles are napping at the edge of the stream 
The dog's hind legs tremble as he runs in his dreams 

The cattle are lyin in the shade of an elm 
Digesting their breakfast of grass for a spell 
Together the horses both stand head to tail 
A swishin each other -  to keep flies away 

But while everyone else is just lyin around 
The plants are all growin up out of the ground 
Turnin sunshine and soil and water to green 
Buildin their roots and their stems and their leaves   

Repeat First Verse