Rooted in the Soil - Song Page
© words & music by Annie Wilson
from the album Out on the Tallgrass Prairie

Like the deep roots of tall grasses, our own deep roots in the Flint Hills help us know where we belong, nourishing and anchoring us in hard times. 

(Above image from Heidi Natura Conservation Institute 1995)


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Once I felt untethered - buffeted and tossed,

Nothing left to hold me - floating loose and lost.

What could I hold onto that’s-deep and sure and true? 

Then I learned the prairie could help to see me through.


Rooted in the soil, Rooted in the soil:

As high as these tall grasses grow, 

Twice as much grows down below

They’re rooted, rooted in the soil.


I learned prairie forbs and grasses - each is tightly bound,

Anchored to the earth with roots deep in the ground.

That’s when I decided to make the prairie Home:

A place to put down roots and let my spirit grow.




What protects the prairie when the times get hard?

In a drought or flood, those roots are standing guard.


They form a massive network, searching far below

For nutrients and water to help the prairie grow.     

After prairie fires, roots bring back the grass.

Our roots will help us grow back when our storms have passed.




As we go out in the world to face another day,

This prairie will inspire us.  Its roots will show the way 

To cultivate our own-roots - values deep and strong,

To love the world around us and know where we belong.