Story Told in Stone - Song Page
© words & music by Annie Wilson
from the album Out on the Tallgrass Prairie

Album Note:  

Our limestone rocks are the archives of our landscape, with fossils from an underwater kingdom of amazing ocean creatures that date from the Permian era, 300 million years ago. 


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It’s a story much too old for books that only time can tell.

You can read it in the limestone in the outline of a shell.

Three hundred million years ago this land was under water,

A vast and shallow inland sea filled with ancient wonders. 


In times they called the Permian, our limestone rock was formed

From bones and shells of creatures pressed upon the ocean floor.

Stone beads from the crinoids, shells of ancient clams -

They all lived in the ocean where now we live on land.


These hills of ancient limestone are the archives of our home.

Each rock’s a page of history - a story told in stone.


We find fusilinids, sponges, shellfish, corals, sharks. 

Neath endless skies and tossing waves, in stone they left their mark.

For millennia, this underwater kingdom was their glory.

Now we search the prairies, where fossils tell their story.




Each stone tells a story so infinite and vast,  

We see we’re just a moment in a deep and timeless past.

We wonder in the future: will this land be under sea?

Will there be someone to find us in ages yet-to-be?